Pesticides Awareness Week 2019
Pesticides Awareness Week 2018
Pesticides Awareness Week Notebook Cover
Pesticides Awareness Week Info Bulletin 2018
Pesticides Awareness Week Info Bulletin
Help Conserve Biodiversity

For the third consecutive year, the Pesticides Control Board (PCB) of Belize will be celebrating from October 16-20, 2017 its Pesticides Awareness Week (PAW). This year’s theme is Help Conserve […]

PCB Strategic Plan

Click to view full Strategic Overview 

Specific Agreement for Technical Cooperation between the Pesticides Control Board and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture for the Institutional Strengthening of the Pesticides Control Board

December 2016 The Pesticides Control Board (PCB), in partnership with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), is carrying out an institutional strengthening exercise following a process by which […]